95% of Athletes Don’t Need Electrolytes

95% of Athletes Don’t Need Electrolytes

I need to confess something to you. The vast majority of athletes do not need electrolytes. That’s right, 95% of athletes will not benefit from an electrolyte supplement.

That’s a strange thing to say considering my entire career is based on making electrolytes for athletes, but it’s the truth. Well, here is the truer way to say that; athletes do need electrolytes, but the majority of them do not need them in the way that you might think, to replace the electrolytes lost in sweat. 

You actually don’t sweat out a significant amount of electrolytes. Consider that the average athletes sweat sodium concentration is 1000mg per 1 litre of sweat lost and that the average athlete loses about 900-1000ml of sweat per hour of exercise, and the average athlete trains or competes no longer than 90 minutes at a time and you will begin to see what I mean. 

Let’s really make it obvious. A teaspoon of table salt contains 2300mg of sodium. An athlete training twice a day for one hour at a time, will on average only lose 2000mg of sodium. They will easily replace that with the food that they eat in their diet. There is literally no need for them to supplement those electrolytes. 

The only athletes who need to take electrolytes are those who train in very hot and humid conditions, sweat profusely for longer than 3 hours at a time, or train for more than 3-4 hours a day. If this isn’t you then you likely do not need to take them. 

Here’s the thing, for the vast majority of people, you don’t take an electrolyte supplement to replace electrolytes, you take them to replace water much more effectively. That’s why they are useful to so many people.

See the primary role of electrolytes in the body is water balance. They maintain hydration status and when we drink an electrolyte supplement with the right concentration of electrolytes and glucose mixed with water, we can rapidly move that water all throughout our body to hydrate very quickly. 

That’s why electrolytes are so good and why I have dedicated my career to spreading the message of Trainade Hydration. Our unique electrolytes, glucose, and water formula is the best in the field. 

When we give it to our athletes we can be rest assured that the water they are drinking is much more effective and much more efficient. We know that our athletes won’t stay dehydrated and so do they. 

Thats why Trainade Hydration has become the go-to everyday hydration supplement of world champions and everyday champions across the world. They know how important hydration is for their performance. 

You can make the most of this super power and become your own everyday champion with our all natural, scientifically formulated, delicious Trainade Hydration.