Don't Make This Common Hydration Mistake

Don't Make This Common Hydration Mistake

Jordi I feel so;

  • Fatigued
  • Full of brain fog
  • Lacking in energy
  • Lacking quality sleep
  • Like I am not performing my best! 

These are complaints I hear from new clients of mine on the DAILY and it is so amazing to hear how many of these people make the connection and say “I think I am not hydrating properly and this is what is causing this!” 

That’s amazing for me to hear because that is always the first thing we tackle and in 90% of cases it ends up fixing the issue! However, what doesn’t impress me as much is the fact that these clients often think they need to add more SALT to their diet to fix their hydration problem. 

That is not the case and that is because the vast majority of people (especially athletes) do not have a lack of salt problem, they have a lack of hydration problem! There’s a big difference. 

See salt is extremely important for our body to function properly, it plays hugely important roles throughout the body. However, I very rarely come across a single person who does not consume adequate sodium in there diet. 

To put this in perspective, the recommended daily intake of salt is a maximum 2300mg of salt per day. That is achieved by sprinkling just one teaspoon of table salt onto your food. For optimal health, it’s recommended to consume 1600mg per day. 

Here are the sodium content of some common foods; 

100g of Ham = 1200mg of sodium, 50g of cheese = 500mg of sodium, 2 slices of bread = 300mg of sodium, a 200ml glass of chocolate milk = 200mg of sodium 

And yes I did just make you a sandwich and a glass of milk to demonstrate that common meal contains 2200mg of sodium. Look up for yourself the sodium content of the foods you most commonly eat and you will quickly realise that you very likely do not have a salt problem in your diet. 

This brings me back to the main problem most of my clients go through, a fluid problem, more specifically, a case of being mildly dehydrated pretty much all of the time. The above mentioned problems are usually fixed simply by getting them to follow a simple rule; drink a minimum of 35ml/kg body weight of water per day, and viola, these symptoms disappear. 

What the heck, what about the electrolyte drink you made and sell!? Well, here’s the thing, the reason why Trainade Hydration is SO effective, is because it addresses the real problem here. It is formulated to RAPIDLY replace fluid, not salt. It is considered a low electrolyte solution and the role of those salts is to help rapidly transport water from your stomach into your body, hydrating you really fast and thus making you feel really good, really fast. 

So next time you are feeling a bit lousy, don’t reach for the Himalayan salt, grab a glass of water, and if you want to make that water even more effective, grab some Trainade Hydration as well. 

Yours in hydration, 

Jordi Sullivan

Director The Fight Dietitian

CoFounder Trainade