Last week I presented to a private group to talk about my career and why I felt the need to create Trainade. I said something during that night that has stuck with me ever since;
“I am in the very unique position where I am one of the only Dietitians in the world whose decisions can be the difference between changing someone's life forever or losing it all.”
That might sound quite bullish but let me explain.
For the past six years, I have worked with some of the most high-profile combat sport athletes on planet Earth. My job has to be to ensure that they make their contracted fight weight and that they recover from that weight as best as possible to get the best performance come fight night.
What many people do not know is that if a fighter in the UFC misses weight, they lose 30% of their purse. That may not seem like much until you understand that my clients are often fighting for purses that are worth over 7 figures, thirty percent of that is A LOT.
On top of this, many people do not understand how cut throat the UFC is when it comes to wins and losses. When you are the champion you get paid significantly more than every other athlete in your division and you have far more negotiating power. Also, the more you win, the more power you have.
So even though my job as their Dietitian may seem like it is to ‘just get them on weight’, it in fact holds much more weight than that. It was this pressure to perform at the highest level that was the genesis to creating Trainade Hydration.
I saw firsthand how other elite athletes would struggle with their rehydration after making weight and how it would affect their performance come fight time. These fighters would follow outdated guidelines and outdated science. I knew that if I could crack the post weigh-in rehydration code then we would have a HUGE advantage.
That’s what I set out to do and that is what led me to spend 18 months working alongside world renowned Hydration Expert, Dr Lewis James to develop the formula of Trainade Hydration. The first drink ever to rapidly rehydrate fighters as soon as they weighed in to ensure they recovered optimally and maintained their peak performance come fight time.
And it worked. When Trainade Hydration was originally released I kept it completely private and only used it with our most elite athletes. Although many factors contributed to our teams success, Trainade was at the heart of one of the most successful UFC Championship runs between the years of 2019 and 2023 where we had two reigning champions, multiple title fights, and one of the most successful win to loss records seen in the sports history.
As it turns out, getting your hydration right is pretty important for your performance. Fortunately, Trainade is now available for athletes worldwide and it is the go-to for tens of thousands who choose to be their best day in and day out.